From: Juergen Fiedler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The one in unstable is not quite as old, I assume: 1.1.4-3. Would that
> do? I tried it and when I connected to the web based admin tool and
> tried to add a new printer, it gave me only 6 choices for the printer
> type: file, ipp and the various serial ports. Now, the printers that I
> need to use are all remote, using BSD style lpd.
> How would I go about setting up one of those under CUPS?

Yes, different versions of CUPS seem to give different choices for
destinations. I'm not familair with 1.1.4, but I'm pretty sure that 1.1.6
has a choice for lpd style printing.

Sorry I can't be of more help -- I'm no CUPS expert ;)

Chris Howells

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