>I am having trouble posting a news article from my home computer over a
>ppp connection to my ISP's NNTPSERVER.  I can read news fine; it is
>only posting with which I am having a problem.
>I believe the problem is that my /etc/news/sys file is not set up

Sounds like you're using a different inews to me (I'm using the one in
the inewsinn package). /etc/news/sys is an old cnews configuration file,
and doesn't tend to be used nowadays. Actually, though - guessing that
you're using the inews package - that message is produced if searching
the active file in /var/lib/news/active doesn't find the newsgroups in
question, and without a local news server you're unlikely to have one of

If you use inewsinn (or inn2-inews, I'd guess), that can download the
active file on the fly. Of course, this may be a bit slow, at least in
inewsinn last time I looked; inn2-inews may have improved things by not
fetching the entire active file. If you have the time and inclination
you could set up a local news server (something like leafnode will only
pull the groups you want, which is probably easiest).

trn4 has its own inews which just posts the article without checking the
Newsgroups: line, while trn-artchk (which does the checks before any
attempt is made to actually post the article) only gets information for
the necessary groups and so is much lighter on bandwidth. That package
is only in unstable and testing as yet, though, not stable.

Colin Watson (trn4 maintainer)

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