I am having trouble posting a news article from my home computer over a ppp connection to my ISP's NNTPSERVER. I can read news fine; it is only posting with which I am having a problem.
I believe the problem is that my /etc/news/sys file is not set up correctly. When I installed inews via apt-get, the only (uncommented) line in /etc/news/sys was ME:comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk,alt,can,ont,tor,ut,to I have tried adding various lines like netnews.worldnet.att.net:all:Lf: but when I try to post (via trn) an article I get an error message back saying inews: No valid newsgroups in misc.test Would a kind person tell me how they set up their /etc/news/sys file and anything else they had to do to get inews to work via a ppp connection. Is there a HOWTO on this? (I have looked but not been able to find one.) Alternately, am I using the wrong program - inews - for what I am trying to do? (Read and post news.) Any help would be gratefully appreciated, Blair