"Matt Fair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I just got Qwest DSL with a cisco 678.  I am confused, what is the best
> way to set this up?  I want to have 3 computers on my lan to share the
> connection.  I installed dhcp-client.  The modem also has a serial
> connection, but I do not know how to access this, is this just for
> configuring the modem?
> My networks:
>                 INTERNET
>                           ||
>                   Cisco 678
>                          ||
>                       HUB
>                         /|\
>                      /   |   \
>                    /    |     \
>         Apollo    |       Whistler
>                     Sphere
> What do I need to do to get this configuration set up?  Right now I have
> it working with a modem where Apollo has the modem hooked up at ttyS0.
> I am using IP masquerading to allow all computers on the network to
> share the dial-up connection.  My quest account I believe will give me a
> ip address through DHCP.  I am just stuck and don't know what to do.
> My dsl line is currently activated, my computer is not.  Any help would
> be appreciated.

I have Qwest DSL and here's what my configuration looks like:

INTERNET <----> Cisco 675 <----> Debian Firewall <---> Hub <-|___
          Real IP       |___ <etc>

The 675 and the 678 are, for most user-level stuff, identical.

The main difference with my configuration is that I wanted a
standalone PC to do masquerading/IP forwarding and firewalling for me
rather than rely on the 67x for that. There's nothing wrong with your
configuration, because the 67x can do masquerading (called NAT) and IP
forwarding, and you can set up some firewalling capabilities (at least
filtering) but I like a computer to do this so I can log things and
keep track of who's "knocking on my door".

The 67x itself doesn't use DHCP for it's IP address. With Qwest it'll
more than likely use PPPoA. Again, you need info from Qwest about what
you need to do to get your 67x connecting to them, assuming you're
using Qwest as your ISP. All of this is done in the firmware of the
67x though so you don't need any special software on the computer
connected to it. The 67x can use a standard serial cable to connect to
your computer and then you can use any terminal program to connect to
it and modify the firmware settings. If you have a Win machine
connected to it via it's serial cable I think you can use the software
Cisco provides to handle all this. Personally, I use Minicom from my
"Debian Firewall" machine accomplish this.

I thought the manuals that came with the DSL stuff were pretty
good. Qwest sent a step-by-step one that was nice and using that in
conjunction with the 67x manual was straight forward.

It'd probably help if you said what you'd done so far and what you
need help understanding. Do you need help setting up the 67x and
that's it? Also, you'll probably get more specific help using a
newsgroup like comp.dcom.xdsl, which has lots of traffic and lots of
people who've done exactly what you're trying to do.


  • dsl Matt Fair
    • Gary Hennigan

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