I just got Qwest DSL with a cisco 678.  I am confused, what is the best
way to set this up?  I want to have 3 computers on my lan to share the
connection.  I installed dhcp-client.  The modem also has a serial
connection, but I do not know how to access this, is this just for
configuring the modem?
My networks:

                  Cisco 678
                     /   |   \
                   /    |     \
        Apollo    |       Whistler

What do I need to do to get this configuration set up?  Right now I have
it working with a modem where Apollo has the modem hooked up at ttyS0.
I am using IP masquerading to allow all computers on the network to
share the dial-up connection.  My quest account I believe will give me a
ip address through DHCP.  I am just stuck and don't know what to do.
My dsl line is currently activated, my computer is not.  Any help would
be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

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