This is no different than running Winderz and using a copy of McAfee's Antivirus that is several years old. If you don't keep up your going to get hit eventually.
-=[cwa]=- On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Joris Lambrecht wrote: -|WELL, i'm might have been somewhat too eager to spark a discussion ... the -|thing i'm wondering/confused about is that the 'worm' infects only redhat -|systems, according to this article at least ... strange eh ? -| -|i only now had the time to read the securityfocus report, and yes indeed all -|linux's with these versions are vulnerable. -| -|anyway, good to know i turned of my machine this morning :) -| -|J.L. -| -|-----Original Message----- -|From: Phil Brutsche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -|Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 4:00 PM -|To: Joris Lambrecht -|Cc: '' -|Subject: Re: Debian is safer than this ? I REALLY HOPE SO ! -| -| -|-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- -|Hash: SHA1 -| -|A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said... -| -|> <<The Register.url>> -|> -|> -| -|Anything that runs the vulnerable versions of those programs is -|vulnerable, including Debian. The key is to keep up to date with security -|"patches" so that you aren't running the vunlerable versions of those -|programs. -| -|Problems like this will only affect those systems that aren't being -|maintains (through lack of time, administrator cluelessness, or whatever). -| -|- -- -|- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -|Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED] -| -|GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D 7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC -|GPG key id: 50DE1CFC -|GPG public key: -|-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- -|Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux) -|Comment: For info see -| -|iD8DBQE6ZwTf/ZTSZFDeHPwRAmgzAJ0RaaOELp++bBJ7kFGDYmkfUiR2VwCgzwD/ -|CnMTj0iEikSTcg9vjS24CcM= -|=xr0n -|-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -| -| -|-- -|To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -|with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact -|[EMAIL PROTECTED] -| -| -|-- -|To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -|with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] -| --- Christopher W. Aiken Programmer Analyst UNIX System Engineering [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ansys, Inc. 275 Technology Drive Canonsburg, Pa 15317