On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 04:17:28PM -0600, Robert A. Jacobs wrote:
> Running a Debian 2.2r2 system with a little bit of Woodage (nothing 
> extreme) and still using the 2.2.17pre-* kernel packaged with Potato.
> Am venturing into the world of LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) and
> would like to do the installations from source (for the experience --
> so please do not recommend that I use prepackaged .deb files).  
> I've already downloaded the sources and have been reading through the 
> various READMEs and INSTALL docs and now I have a few questions.
> I have gotten the (perhaps mistaken) impression that I cannot statically
> link Perl and PHP to Apache together.  If this is not correct, how do 
> you build Apache so that both mod_perl and PHP 4.0 are statically linked?  
> The Apache 'README.configure' file was not specific on how to do this or
> even whether it could be done at all (though it provided adequate examples for
> them individually).

you might want to search the mod_perl mailinglist archives. As far
as I remember, occasionally, similar "PHP+Perl" issues popped up there...
(I'm personally not using PHP, so I can't tell you any details)

You'll find a list of links to the archives at


(very good mailinglist, btw)

At the same site (perl.apache.org) and at take23.org you'll also
find lots of other interesting mod_perl/Apache related stuff...

> If I must dynamically load mod_perl or PHP, which offers the best 
> performance improvement when statically linked?  Does dynamic linking of
> mod_perl and PHP reduce performance of both/either dramatically?
I don't think there's much difference in performance


Erdmut Pfeifer
science+computing gmbh

-- Bugs come in through open windows. Keep Windows shut! --

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