On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 07:12:36PM +0100, Joris Lambrecht wrote: > me and brian get along real fine after some priv. mail :)
Yeah, but you still haven't told me what you changed from the default. >From the subject line, all that you need to change two support virtual hosts is add some '<VirtualHost>' settings in the Apache config. Like: <VirtualHost> ServerName foo.example.com DocumentRoot /home/foo/public_html UserDir off </VirtualHost> That's it. No :'s. Just the name of the server, the docroot, and (for completeness) turn off userdir's. Something else is different in your config. A goofy DocumentRoot? Could be... but I'm puzzled by things like why the '.meta' lookups: those come from the cern_meta_module (which used to be really useful with MRTG, but modern Apache has better ways to set expires)... you really shouldn't need that module enabled. I'm wondering what other junk is turned on that is confusing things. Roll back to a stock config, add the VirtualHost stuff, and see if it works. -- CueCat decoder .signature by Larry Wall: #!/usr/bin/perl -n printf "Serial: %s Type: %s Code: %s\n", map { tr/a-zA-Z0-9+-/ -_/; $_ = unpack 'u', chr(32 + length()*3/4) . $_; s/\0+$//; $_ ^= "C" x length; } /\.([^.]+)/g;