On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 06:01:46PM +0100, Joris Lambrecht wrote:
> well, i figure it is not a browser problem since i can see the css at work
> when i open the file(s) directly in my browser.

Only because you didn't fuck up the install of the web server at work.

> No server error either.
> Whenever i published these pages i noticed that the css was no longer
> functional.
> Hence my question, what's up with apache ?

What's up with -you-?  You're the one that changed the config to include
the goofy characters.

> CAN it doe something to block this information (meta-info) ?

Sure, if you have invalid URL's or a broken config.

> PS : Below is the error.log content when it loads the site, to bad i feel
> rather sure this has nothing to do with the problem.

It has lots to do with the problem, probably.

> [Tue Jan 16 17:36:29 2001] [error] [client] Filename is not valid:
> /:/htdocs/site/./default.htm.meta

Why the goofy filename?

What is trying to fetch a file named:

(Hint -- the first two characters most likely don't belong there --
apache didn't just pull them from it's butt: you supplied them either in
the config or the HTML.  Blaming Apache for things you provide it is

> [Tue Jan 16 17:36:29 2001] [error] [client] Directory index
> forbidden by rule: /site/

What's trying to go to /site/ and why?

CueCat decoder .signature by Larry Wall:
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
printf "Serial: %s Type: %s Code: %s\n", map { tr/a-zA-Z0-9+-/ -_/; $_ = unpack
'u', chr(32 + length()*3/4) . $_; s/\0+$//; $_ ^= "C" x length; } /\.([^.]+)/g; 

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