On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 01:15:27PM +0100, Holger Rauch wrote:
> How can I switch between KDE and Helix-Gnome when both are installed on
> the system? Unfortunately, I can not install gdm and kdm at the same time,
> so I'm not sure what to do. One solution might be to do without an X
> display manager entirely, but then I'm not sure whether I can still get
> the same Helix-Gnome session as before. A better solution would perhaps be
> to provide alternatives named "x-display-manager" and
> "x-desktop-environment" that would enable one to conveniently switch
> between both environments and still getting the display manager determined
> for each environment, so that there is a consistent look&feel. That is, it
> would be nice if one could say

You don't need KDM in order to start KDE, nor do you need GDM to start
GNOME.  Either of these display managers will allow you to choose a
"session" from a menu when you log in.  You merely need to select the
appropriate session.  If you don't have e.g. a KDE session in your GDM
menu then you can add a script to /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions that calls
startkde or kde2 or whatever command you run to log in.

I'm not sure how to add a new session to the KDM menu, as I don't have


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