Hello! How can I switch between KDE and Helix-Gnome when both are installed on the system? Unfortunately, I can not install gdm and kdm at the same time, so I'm not sure what to do. One solution might be to do without an X display manager entirely, but then I'm not sure whether I can still get the same Helix-Gnome session as before. A better solution would perhaps be to provide alternatives named "x-display-manager" and "x-desktop-environment" that would enable one to conveniently switch between both environments and still getting the display manager determined for each environment, so that there is a consistent look&feel. That is, it would be nice if one could say
update-alternatives --config x-desktop-environment and then, depending on the user's choice, x-display-manager would be set to either kdm or gdm. However, I'm not sure whether this can be done and whether this mailing list is the appropriate place for such suggestions (probably not, so I apologize). Anyway, thanks for taking your time. A Happy New Year to all Debian users around the world! Greetings, Holger