Yes I did.

I ran /sbin/lilo before reboot.

After reboot, I can use my CD-RW, but lilo.conf is
restored to original form, so after the next reboot I
can't use my CD-RW.

--- Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: >
>thanks for responding.
> >
> >Cristoph:
> >
> >It's working. But lilo.conf is still restored to
> >original form "non-scroll" after reboot.
> >
> >Any idea what's happening?
> >
> >Peter:
> >I'm using kwrite. ¿does it's matter?
> >
> I hope I'm doing this right this time.  I screwed it
> up the last time I tried 
> to reply. Anyway, did you run
> lilo from the command line after you altered
> lilo.conf?  That needs to be 
> done before you reboot,
> otherwise you lose your changes.
> Jeremy
> -- 
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Enrique Gutiérrez García

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