Hi! I'm trying to modify the lilo.conf file (configuring a IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM burner), by adding
append="hdc=ide-scsi", however, there is already a line with append="non-scroll" I can't just add the entire line for ide-scsi, neither "hdc=ise-scsi" portion, because an error is displayed when run /sbin/lilo. So I replaced the entire line, and it works, but after reboot, lilo.conf is restored to original form. Any idea for keeping changes in lilo.conf? tia. Enrique Gutierrez Contaduría Mayor de Hacienda H. Congreso del Estado de Sonora [EMAIL PROTECTED] _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Construye tu página personal en Yahoo! GeoCities. ¡Es fácil, rápido y gratis! http://geocities.yahoo.com.mx