On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 03:55:15PM -0800, Nate Amsden wrote:
> yes for my gamin i wouldnt use anything but a voodoo3 under Xfree3.
> the nvidia drivers have some massive memory leaks and other odd
> issues. X4 under voodoo3 is known to be much slower then glide under
> X3(under X4 you must use OpenGL, glide2x is not supported under X4).
> i run a voodoo3 3500, just upgraded from a 2000 less then a week ago
> its rockin.

Actually, I get much better performance from my Voodoo3 with X4.  For 
some reason Debian doesn't include the DRI Glide drivers.  You can download
an RPM from linux.3dfx.com.  Its name Glide-v3-DRI, or something like that.
Convert it to a .deb using alien and it installs fine, nearly doubling your
framerate under X4.


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