[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Hallo guys!! > > I'm going to buy a 3dfx Vodoo3 3000 video card. > Do you know if there are known problems with this card (with glides, > xfree,....)?
yes for my gamin i wouldnt use anything but a voodoo3 under Xfree3. the nvidia drivers have some massive memory leaks and other odd issues. X4 under voodoo3 is known to be much slower then glide under X3(under X4 you must use OpenGL, glide2x is not supported under X4). i run a voodoo3 3500, just upgraded from a 2000 less then a week ago its rockin. nate -- ::: ICQ: 75132336 http://www.aphroland.org/ http://www.linuxpowered.net/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]