On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 03:12:08PM -0800, Adam Shand wrote:
> >     You can search the archives to find a link to the deb.  There
> >     are licensing issues with pine so Debian doesn't include it but
> >     there are people who have built the debs.  I just snagged the
> >     latest stable release (source) from the pine web site.  I had to
> >     install a library or two but it was no big deal.  Compiled just
> >     fine.  You might want to try mutt.  I like it a lot better.  It
> >     took some configuring but it isn't as clunky as pine.
> pine, pico and pilot deb's are included in woody.  you'll notice that the
> version numbers have an 'L' at the end of them.  that signifies (i
> believe) that they are not an unmodified binary and allows debian to
> distribute the pine binaries that they want to and still comply with the
> license.

Actually is just the opposite.  The pine license has always allows
redistribution of unmodified binaries.  The 'L' version number suffix is
not needed.  However, because of Debian's file system standards we
needed to make changes to Pine.  Adding the 'L' suffix to the version
number indicates that it is a modified binary (I believe 'L' is for
Locally modified or something).  I'm not sure if the 'L' license clause
is something new or if nobody bothered to read the whole license in the
past before labelling it as unsuitable for inclusion.

Also, the main mirror for the unofficial Pine packages is
http://members.mint.net/frodo/pine/ though that may move soon (I'm the
person who maintains it).


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