On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 12:42:19PM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote:
> Only in one respect, that I can see based on my brief exposure, is mutt
> better -- mutt is a better _threaded_ mail reader. It looks like a lot of
> effort has been put into mutt's threading features. People who want a
> threaded mail reader may well prefer mutt. Since I want to process my
> mail _strictly_ in arrival order, threaded is not a feature I would ever
> use.  

I have used pine for a few years and switched to mutt because a bug in
3.96, 4.10 and 4.20 concerning html-attachments. I see the bug is no
longer there in 4.31.

With Pine I just changed the sort order to the subject-line when I
read mailing list and that worked well.  Mutt's advantage is that I
can delete a whole thread with one keystroke.

An advantage of pine which I do not find in mutt is that I could
record email addresses from anywhere in the message into the address
book.  With mutt I can create an alias from the sender's address and
have to put other addresses manually in my address book.  That is a
bit of a nuisance.

To keep pine's address book up to date is easier and less prone to
errors than mutt's aliases because you can do it from a menu and pine
handles all the syntax issues.

When forwarding a message using pine, the attachments are included.
That is not the case with mutt.  Maybe it is something that can be
configured. To fine tune mutt takes a lot of time.

Something I enjoy about mutt which pine do not provide is the ability
to search the contents of all the messages in a mailbox for a string.
Another feature of mutt which I could not figure out with pine is the
ability to check different mailboxes for new mail.

After using mutt for about a year now I enjoy it, but still miss some
of pine's abilities.

J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336 / 023 55 11 568
     "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call 
      his name JESUS; for he shall save his people from 
      their sins."            Matthew 1:21 

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