Glenn Becker wrote:


This is a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone had tried the package
yh, which is a Chinese-language console package. I installed it last
night, couldn't *quite* make my way around ... and when I exited, my
display went black. Nothing, nothing, nothing ... and when I rebooted, I
got xdm, which I'd previously removed (I don't like xdm much).

Then, once I'd logged into X, the mouse pointer was somewhere between
erratic and frozen: a couple of times I got a menu to pop up or some
motion, but otherwise nada.

In essence I'm wondering if there's any way "around" xdm given that I seem
to have a mostly frozen X display. A key command? some kind of trick while
booting? I'm desperate.

I had retreated to Potato after being burned by Woody a few times, but I'd
recently begun *very selectively* adding Woody apps & had wound up with a
system I liked a lot. The yh package was the latest of these additions,
and I seem to have busted the thing again ....

Thanks for any insights,

// G l e n n  B e c k e r                                                |
| // Omnia quae sunt, lumina sunt | | // [EMAIL PROTECTED] | _________________________________________________________________________|

From the black screen, try Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to the first virtual console. From there, you can remove or disable xdm.


At the LILO prompt at the beginning of bootup, type 'linux single' to boot into single user mode. This will let you make any changes you need to make.

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