Hi, This is a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone had tried the package yh, which is a Chinese-language console package. I installed it last night, couldn't *quite* make my way around ... and when I exited, my display went black. Nothing, nothing, nothing ... and when I rebooted, I got xdm, which I'd previously removed (I don't like xdm much).
Then, once I'd logged into X, the mouse pointer was somewhere between erratic and frozen: a couple of times I got a menu to pop up or some motion, but otherwise nada. In essence I'm wondering if there's any way "around" xdm given that I seem to have a mostly frozen X display. A key command? some kind of trick while booting? I'm desperate. I had retreated to Potato after being burned by Woody a few times, but I'd recently begun *very selectively* adding Woody apps & had wound up with a system I liked a lot. The yh package was the latest of these additions, and I seem to have busted the thing again .... Thanks for any insights, G _________________________________________________________________________ | // G l e n n B e c k e r | | // Omnia quae sunt, lumina sunt | | // [EMAIL PROTECTED] | _________________________________________________________________________|