Yesterday I updated to 2.2r2 and decided to give Xemacs and Gnus a try
(I had been playing with Emacs 20.7 and Gnus 5.7 and it worked fine).
The problem seems to be that Gnus is ignoring the .newsrc-dribble file
and is reading the entire active file from my ISP's news server.

First I encountered this after loading Gnus 5.8.3 on Xemacs.  I gathered
there may be some incompatibility between the file written by 5.7 and
5.8.3, so I removed ~/.newsrc-dribble and restarted Gnus.  It read the
active file from the ISP and then gave me the short default group list.
So far so good, so I selected my favorite groups and did some reading.
I closed down Gnus and verified it had written the groups and the read
article numbers to ~/.newsrc-dribble.  

Now this morning I fired up Gnus and received the normal prompt:

Gnus auto-save file exists.  Do you want to read it? (y or n) 

So, I answered with a y and once again it began reading the entire active 
file from the ISP, apparently ignoring ~/.newsrc-dribble.  I let it run 
and then it finished reading the active file, performed some processing 
and then left me with this cryptic line in the mini-buffer:

Documentation group already exists

And then it lets me go no further as I am already at the group buffer
and all that is on the screen is the Gnus start-up graphic.  Ctl-g is of
no help.  So it seems to only way is to not save an .newsrc-dribble and
have to wade through the entire list each time?

I'm quite new to Gnus and Xemacs and these are new installs.  My old Emacs 
and Gnus were removed when I installed these versions.  Not much is in
my .emacs file and I have no .gnus file currently.  Any help would be

- Nate >>

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB          | "None can love freedom
 Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]               | heartily, but good
 Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs          | men; the rest love not
   Wichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license."
              | -- John Milton

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