I read sometimes ago in this list that i can compile my custom-kernel
being an ordinary user and not using root account (before installing it);
well, when i try run  "make *config" in /usr/src/linux directory,
i receive this error message:

bash-2.03$ make xconfig
rm -f include/asm
rm: impossibile scollegare `include/asm': Permesso negato
make: *** [symlinks] Error 1

(translation of line n°3: rm: impossible to unlink `include/asm': Permission 
and all is stopped.

User paolo hasn't (obviously) permissions of writing /usr directory and i think 
right thing to do is to untar kernel-source in my /home-dir and compile there:
may i have troubles installig (as root with make-kpkg) from there, or it's the 
manner in compiling kernel as user?

Answers, other tips (and money donations ;))) will be appreciated...


    paolo massei

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