On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 10:27:02AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:

>   IMO it has one of the worst UI I've ever seen. it confused the
>   hell out of me when I was installing debian for the first
>   time. that's from the vi enthusiast:-)

I'll admit it confused the hell out of me at first, then again, so did
regular expressions/emacs/bind/anything else worth learning.

Walking through an upgrade to see what packages are affected, testing
complex dependency arrangements and then being able to hit 'R' to put
everything back is sweet. If you can do that /quickly/ in a shell
environment, I'd like to see how...

>   generally, I find packages using debian.org (or get name
>   elsewhere, like this mailing list) and install them using
>   apt-get install packagename.

You know about "apt-cache search", right?

>   to update system (few times a day:-)
>  apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

A few times a day?  Now THAT'S just obsessive :)

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