> > Why so much apt and dpkg and so little dselect? > command tools give a little more flexibility. But the real reason is that most people hate dselect. It is a shame, but true.
- Why not dselect? Brian McGroarty
- Re: Why not dselect? Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Re: Why not dselect? John Hasler
- Re: Why not dselect? Stan Kaufman
- Re: Why not dselect? John Hasler
- Re: Why not dselect? Damon Muller
- Re: Why not dselect? Stan Kaufman
- Re: Why not dselect? Erik Steffl
- Re: Why not dselect? Brian McGroarty
- Re: Why not dselect? Erik Steffl
- Re: Why not dselect? Noah L. Meyerhans
- Re: Why not dselect? Erik Steffl