On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 07:01:39PM +0100, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
> Bernhard Josef Rieder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What do you do if you want to buy a laptop? I think buying a laptop
> > without windoze is nearly impossible (at least here in austria) :(((
> If Germany is an option for you you could look at
> <http://www.xtops.de/>. 

That's not really an option. Qoute from the website:
"Aus technischen und garantierechtlichen Gründen belassen wir
das ab Werk mitgelieferte MS-Windows Betriebssystem auf der
Festplatte. Xtops.DE übernimmt keine Erstattung (Refund)
der Lizenzkosten."

"For technical and warranty reasons we leave the ex works
shipped M$-Windoze on the harddisk. Xtops.DE does not
undertake any refunds of the license costs." 

So Billyboy is still earning money by selling me something
I do not want/use.  :(

I think this are at least $100 or about 5% of price of the


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