Bernhard Josef Rieder wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 19, 2000 at 01:11:31PM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
> >
> >   you can buy computer without windows from many places. I would (and
> > actually did) go that way...
> >
> >   or build your own, it's fairly easy and you get exactly what you
> > want/need (there are good articles in latest linux journal on building
> > both the ultimate linux workstation and under $800 machine).
> >
> What do you do if you want to buy a laptop? I think buying a laptop
> without windoze is nearly impossible (at least here in austria) :(((
> Bernhard

  there's more and more companies selling computers with linux
preinstalled, some of them probably notebooks as well, I have no idea
about Austrian sources of penguin equipped notebooks or computers but I
guess quick look through ads in computer magazines would reveal few
companies... probably


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