And the winner of "John'ss Debian Geek of the year" award goess to:
David Wright (the band playss "Tussk") I had edited /etc/inputrc, adding: bell-style none Forgot to put "set" in there. Moral of Sstory: Don't ever edit global filess (if possssible) &: check ssyntax twice, ssave once. And the runner upss are: Karssten M. Sself For his humourouss and helpfull attitude. Problem musst have been related to 'set'? and Jeff Green for hiss "check the hardware" suggesstion. Debian-usser Rockss!!!! John (who will never take 's' for granted ever again) On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 01:20:00PM +0000, David Wright wrote: > Quoting John Bagdanoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > > Once I try to login after booting, my 's' key just beeps at me! So > > 'startx' won't work because I have no 's'... just a beep. > > > > And, in mc, I get a 'warning, cant cd into archives'..... probably > > because it has an 's' in it. Thinking, it may be the latest bash > > upgrade, I wanted to downgrade to the earlier bash that was there. > > But, noooooooo, dpkg couldn't find 'bah.deb'. Even though I got the above > > warning, mc did show the archives directory. In mc, I was able to use > > the 's' key. > > So I reboot to 'Linux single', but again, no 's'. bummer. > > So I try 'mutt' (thank the gods... No 's' in 'mutt'). Now, I'm > > typing this in 'vim' and the 's' (obviously) is working. > > Someone lost their E by putting > "\eOF":end-of-line <--- correct > "\EOF":end-of-line <--- incorrect > into .inputrc . Could it be something similar? > > Cheers, > > -- > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: +44 1908 653 739 Fax: +44 1908 655 151 > Snail: David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA > Disclaimer: These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify > official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised. -- ************************ Using Linux ************************