On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 01:33:25AM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote: > on Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 01:01:17AM -0800, John Bagdanoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > wrote: > > Well, I finally hit a WALL with woody: > > Briefly, my problem: > > > > Once I try to login after booting, my 's' key just beeps at me! So > > 'startx' won't work because I have no 's'... just a beep. > > > > And, in mc, I get a 'warning, cant cd into archives'..... probably > > because it has an 's' in it. Thinking, it may be the latest bash > > upgrade, I wanted to downgrade to the earlier bash that was there. > > But, noooooooo, dpkg couldn't find 'bah.deb'. Even though I got the above > > warning, mc did show the archives directory. In mc, I was able to use > > the 's' key. > > So I reboot to 'Linux single', but again, no 's'. bummer. > > So I try 'mutt' (thank the gods... No 's' in 'mutt'). Now, I'm > > typing this in 'vim' and the 's' (obviously) is working. > > > > Why couldn't it have been 'z' that went belly up instead of 's'? > > Any help out there? Any clue to what might be happening? And > > hopefully a fix? > > > > (beep)incerly, your(beep) > > John > > John: > > You'll notice there i* no '*' in Debian GNU/Linux, thi* i* by de*ign and > for a good rea*on.... > Oh, har har <g>
> I'd look at: > > - Language and/or locale settings. If you can dump your environment > (unfortunately, 'set' isn't going to help much...) Yeah, cant do this > > - keysym settings. Have your keysyms settings changed at all? I'm > not sure what commands you want to run, but 'dumpkeys' (tab > completion is your friend) should show: > > keycode 31 = s Yup, keycode is 31 = s > > - Similarly, keyboard mappings -- check to see that you're running a > standard keymap: > > $ loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/i386/us.kmap.gz > cant find 'loadkey' (no s) > If you've got gpm running, you may find you can cut and past 's' > characters from various screen output using your mouse. It's a pain in > the a**, but if it'* the only thing you have, it'* the only thing you > have. > This was a great idea, but it just pasted a beep. I'll work on this more tommorow, but right now I got to get to bed, cause I got a root canal in the morning. (ugh!!!) > Good luck. Thank*, I'll need it John > > -- > Kar*ten M. *elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.netcom.com/~km*elf > Evangeli*t, Zelerate, Inc. http://www.zelerate.org > What part of "Ge*talt" don't you under*tand? There i* no K5 cabal > http://ge*talt-*y*tem.*ourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org -- ************************ Using Linux ************************