Hello all, I finally got around to trying to get my SB AWE64 sound card configured. I am still using the default kernel that I installed with. I believe that it has the correct sound drivers as modules, so I shouldn't need to recompile the kernel to get sound working. I believe my isapnp.conf is valid, because I had it working with a previous RedHat install. The awe_wave module is loaded at boot. Following the advice of previous posters, I did a 'insmod uart401; insmod opl3; insmod sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330; insmod v_midi; insmod awe_wave'.
Here is what lsmod outputs: geldar:/boot# lsmod Module Size Used by ppp_deflate 38988 1 (autoclean) bsd_comp 3828 0 (autoclean) ppp 20684 2 (autoclean) [ppp_deflate bsd_comp] slhc 4436 1 (autoclean) [ppp] awe_wave 156340 0 v_midi 5084 0 sb 33396 0 opl3 11016 0 uart401 6128 0 [sb] sound 57592 0 [awe_wave v_midi sb opl3 uart401] soundlow 416 0 [sound] soundcore 2628 9 [sb sound] parport_probe 3332 0 (autoclean) parport_pc 7240 1 (autoclean) lp 5188 0 (unused) parport 7280 1 [parport_probe parport_pc lp] lockd 31112 1 (autoclean) sunrpc 52420 1 (autoclean) [lockd] nls_cp437 3904 2 (autoclean) serial 19564 1 (autoclean) joystick 6588 0 (unused) vfat 9008 1 unix 10212 45 (autoclean) Here is the contents of /proc/sound: geldar:/boot# cat /proc/sound OSS/Free:3.8s2++-971130 Load type: Driver loaded as a module Kernel: Linux geldar 2.2.17 #1 Sun Jun 25 09:24:41 EST 2000 i686 Config options: 0 Installed drivers: Card config: Audio devices: 0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16) (DUPLEX) Synth devices: 0: AWE32-0.4.3 (RAM512k) Midi devices: 0: Sound Blaster 16 1: Loopback MIDI Port 1 2: Loopback MIDI Port 2 3: AWE Midi Emu Timers: 0: System clock Mixers: 0: Sound Blaster I don't understand why it doesn't say anything under Installed drivers or Card config. The example /dev/sndstat in the Sound-HOWTO has stuff in those sections, so I'm thinking this is not good. Is there something I'm missing here? =wl P.S. Note to will trillich: this might be one for the newbie faq? Seems like there's an awful lot of AWE64s out there. -- Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer "They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of SUPERHUMAN MONSTERS!"