AFAIK 24bpp is also referred to as "packed pixel" - 32 & 24bpp give the
same amount of colours (16.7 million)but with 24bpp the colour info is
compressed. Some hardware can't handle the 24bpp and must use 32bpp.

SpireLUG - the Chesterfield Linux User Group

On Mon, 6 Nov 2000, Marcelo Ramos wrote:

> The number of colors is not the same.
> With 24bpp you have the color of each pixel represented by a binary number 
> with
> 24 bits (bit = 0 or 1), then you have 2^24 = 16.777.216 colors. 
> With 32bpp you have the color of each pixel represented by a binary number 
> with
> 32 bits, then you have 2^32 = 4.294.967.296 colors.
> If you want a given resolution HxV with Nbpp you video card must have at least
> (H * V * N) / (1024^2) Kbytes of memory.
> Marcelo.
> -- 
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