Hi folks,

Following up on Karsten's (I think) advice, I went to www.mozilla.org to
check out the bugs filed against mozilla, and there was one regarding
junkbuster. I think the specific error was for something else, but the
advice it gave was to turn off `Enable Keepalive' under Debug ->
Networking. Since doing this, junkbuster seems to be working okay again.
The problem seems to be something along the lines of junkbuster only
being a http 1.0 proxy, whereas mozilla expects a 1.1 proxy... or
something :)



Damon Muller              | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com     | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829     |                      - TBMG, "Dead"

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