On Sat, Nov 04, 2000 at 04:34:28PM -0200, Rogerio Brito wrote:
>       This is what made me choose a Matrox G400 for my new system
>       (together with the recommendation of a close friend that said
>       the G400 was running quite fast in his system).

I also opted for a G400, and have been extremely pleased. I started using 
the XFree86 4.0 debs back when they were phase1, and have never had a problem.

And even though I'm not a big gamer, the G400 can run Unreal Tournament well
enough for me. I would talk about the 2D quality, but hey ... it's Matrox, and 
that does tend to speak for itself when it comes to 2D.

Anyway, I expect you'll be quite pleased with your choice.


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