Obviously Rogerio Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  thinks that:

>       In all reviews that I've studied, the NVIDIA cards seem to be
>       the winners of performance, but the fact that they don't have
>       a receptive attitude towards the community means that they
>       don't want people like me as their customers.

You're having my highest respect for that... I guess it's important to, after 
talking about Free/ Open Source software, to get people also sensitized in 
issues of Open *hardware*. I can't really see it as a *support* of a company 
towards the Linux movement to sell a product with proprietary, closed source 
drivers while not supporting open developers and keeping hardware 
specifications secret.. To me, this is nothing more than a pure marketing trick 
to get the (fortunately growing) amount of Linux users to buy their hardware 
products... Computers are dead if people are limited to using closed, 
proprietary software, but the best free OS doesn't has any use when there is no 
possiblilty to get access to working hardware. 

Please, everybody check www.openhardware.org , since even if this thing is 
pretty important, seems it's still way underestimated.. :)

Regards, have a fine sunday...

"And the things that we fear are the weapons to
 be used against us." (Rush)

 Kristian Rink
 fax : ++49 / 180 5052 5560 8162
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