* "robert" == robert wilhelm land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

robert> When trying to start emacs out of a xterm with su permissions the
robert> system complaines:

robert> MINI:/home/rland# emacs
robert> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server

This is OK. You don't have permission to open widows in someone else's 
X session. Even as root. See "man xauth".

The best way allow root to open windows in the X session is to install
the ssh package, then do "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]".

For some tweaks, create ~/.ssh/config with this content:

Host localhost
  User root
  Compression no

Compression is better turned off for local (or fast) connections, and
User root will use root as default username, so you can do just "ssh

Or add "alias ssu='ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]'" to ~/.bash_profile and use
"ssu" as a shortcut.

robert> The error recommends to use "xhost" - but this seems to be a
robert> GUI app

Actually, it is not. "man xhost". But better forget about it. It is a
bad solution. Don't use it.

robert> ...which states there should be somewhere a sound module, but
robert> cat /etc/modules.conf|grep -A 4 sound returnes no output.

/etc/modules.conf is not a list of available module. It just has
optional configuration for modules and some other stuff.

Check /lib/modules/ to see what modules are installed.

For a GUI, try modconf.

robert> Does dselect build up a database for all indexed packages? I
robert> cannot find wine by running "dpkg -l wine" or "dpkg -l | grep
robert> wine" although the debian installation routine was fed by all
robert> 4 CD's.

Seems like you used only apt-get so far. apt-get doesn't update the
database (/var/lib/dpkg/available) dpkg -l uses (btw, you can use dpkg
-l \*wine\*).

Either use apt-cache search wine, but this won't give you the status
(installed etc.) of a package.

Or run dselect, configure the access methode to apt, then select

If you run "apt-get update", you also have to run "dselect update" to
update this list.

Or run /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/update, which will do all the
magic. Make some alias like "alias
apt-update='/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/update'" for convenience.

robert> Neither does dpkg seem to support a query routine simular to
robert> rpm.

I don't know rpm. What kind of query do you mean?


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