On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 06:10:01PM +0200, robert_wilhelm_land wrote:
> The error recommends to use "xhost"  - but this seems to be a GUI app
> and therefore dies for the same reasons as previously launching emacs. 
> How can I help myself, would running xhost fruit in a working GUI when
> changing to su?

No, xhost isn't a GUI app, but you have to run in as the user you actually
logged in as (mosr specifically, as the user who owns the X session), not
sued to root.  By default, root neither has permission to open windows on
your desktop, nor to give himself that permission.

BTW, if you're going to use xhost (it's not the most secure way of handling
this, but it is the easiest), use 'xhost localhost', not the name of your
machine.  It'll open the door wide enough for anyone on your machine to put
windows on your desktop, but without allowing any possibility for someone to
do it over the network.

> Then, I cannot get my Diamond Sonic Impact 90 to work. gtcd starts,
> accepts the CD, playes the first track but the speakers remain
> quitely.

Have you turned the volume up?  Try gom ('gom -it' on a command line) or
another mixer to see what your volume settings are if you haven't already.

> Oct 23 16:13:44 MINI kernel: hdd: packet command error: status=0x51 {
> DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
> Oct 23 16:13:44 MINI kernel: hdd: packet command error: error=0x40

> Which line could relate to the soundcard?

None of them are sound-related, but it looks like you've got some definite
problems with your CDROM.

> ...which states there should be somewhere a sound module, but 
> cat /etc/modules.conf|grep -A 4 sound 
> returnes no output.

Did you build your own kernel?  If so, did you remember to make modules and
make modules_install?  (Or module_install...  I can never remember which it

> Does dselect build up a database for all indexed packages? I cannot
> find wine by running "dpkg -l wine" or "dpkg -l | grep wine" although
> the debian installation routine was fed by all 4 CD's. Neither does
> dpkg seem to support a query routine simular to rpm.

A database of available packages is maintained by apt.  To search it, use
`apt-cache search packagename`.  Once you know the name of the package, you
can get the details on it with `apt-cache show packagename`.

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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