On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 02:22:35PM -0500, William Jensen wrote: > As a newcomer to Debian I, like many since I've joined this list, ask typical > newbie questions about the some basic things.
> Each one of those topics probably has a handful of "how do I" associated with > it that a very new user would "typically" ask to this list. First off I'd > like > to ask if someone has already gathered a FAQ like this for Debian. If not, > I'd like to volunteer my time in creating (when I have the knowledge) parts > of the FAQ. i KNOW there are some random, scatterd documents out there (info, manpage, html, pod, /usr/share/doc/*, etc) but they are not centralized. there is also a task-newbie-help package (dpkg -L task-newbie-help) but it's surface-scratch only, at best. there's another, debian-guide (purportedly within the former, but no so's you could tell) which has much more meat to it. apt-get install task-newbie-help debian-guide but to have some recently-scarred newbies construct such a document tree would be far preferable to having the seasoned gurus document stuff from their perspective. where newbies need, for example, how to connect using a modem the gurus write using a ppp connection which might not 'hit home' to newbies who don't know what ppp is for. -- maybe a good place to coordinate all this would be on sourceforge.net? > Some basic questions come up though and these I throw out to you, > the Debian community: > > 1. Who would house/display the FAQ so it is always available. i volunteer LINUX.SERENSOFT.COM as one mirror. the more the merrier! > 2. Who can contribute and how? just about anyone should be able to throw ideas at us -- but we need some folks with serious editing chops and a multi-eyeball review process to reduce slipups. aegis is a neat versioning/control/develop system. might also come in handy. there's also wml, a powerful way to craft html (or any text output) that might make it easy to modularie the whole mess. that's what debian-www apparently uses to maintain the debian.org site! apt-get install aegis wml > 3. Who does quality control checks? if *you* write something, *someone else* (preferably in the plural) should review it. if *i* write something, *you* should proof it. author and proofer must not be the same person. (try it on a deadline sometime to see why!) > 4. How do you submit an article to be included? sourceforge.net (or anyplace like it) might be a good way to go. > 5. What would be a successful structure/format? here we could probably drop some questions on debian-doc mailing list to get pointers from the long-haired pros. > 6. Would the Debian main page hold a link to this if it's done well and > tailored > toward Debian? i'd hope so. you never know, but the debian team seems to be pretty willing to work with folks who're trying to help the cause. > If your interested in this project or have suggestions please feel free to > contact me on the list here or privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED] It would > be a shame to let all the talent that people on this list have stored in their > heads go to waste by being burned out by constant repeats of the same > question. quite! unfortunately, i'm headed out-of-town for about a week, so i'll have eight hundred messages to weed thru when i get back... keep the flame alive! -- self-reference, n: see self-reference. [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** http://www.dontUthink.com/