On 23 Oct 2000, Bill Ramsey wrote:
> I think an excellent format is what the Caldera users have done. They
> have put together a "Step by Step" site which Caldera and others
> mirror. 
> http://linux.nf/stepbystep.htm
> It takes one or two dedicated people to hold it all together; and the
> participation of many, many people. Someone who is expert in PPP would
> do a step by step write up on how to do in Debian and then the
> maintainer would post it on the site.
> Bill
> >Greetings folks,
> >
> >As a newcomer to Debian I, like many since I've joined this list, ask typical
> >newbie questions about the some basic things.  If we take a step back and 
> >look
> >at the big picture there is a basic group of things new users want to get
> >accomplished.  
> -- 
> Bill Ramsey

I agree with this. I think there is also a need for very short answers
to seemingly trivial questions that can be difficult to solve. Over
quite a long time I've compiled a list for my own purposes; it's a
memory jog, because there are certain problems that come up only at long
intervals, at which point you've forgotten what you did last time.


  When Xauthority won't work, delete .Xauthority, then run xauth -b.

  If modem keeps cutting out when you dial, comment out ABORT "NO
  CARRIER" in /etc/chatscripts.

  When changing hostname, make sure you change the entry in /etc/hosts,
  otherwise hostname -s won't work.

All these may be obvious to most people but they've caught me out more
than once. I'm thinking of posting them on my linux website.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Over 100 book reviews: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/bookreviews/
Skeptical articles: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/freethinker/

"Palo y tente tieso." (Spanish proverb)
Free translation: "Holdfast is your only dog."

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