"Peter" == Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> rob, i'm sure people will barf at what i'm about to say...  i've
> found imwheel to be a bad program.  i had trouble with what got
> "wheel focus".  for example, if netscape worked with the wheel, then
> my xterms wouldn't, and vice versa.

I have not even looked at imwheel, and my mouse wheel is working
fine (except that the physical wheel is a little sticky in one
direction, but that's not X's fault :).

> btw, many programs already support the wheelie mouse -- xterm and
> friends (rxvt, eterm, etc), star office, etc.

> there's only a few important ones (netscape comes to mind) which
> don't.

FWIW, Mozilla _does_ support the wheel for scrolling out of the box.
And since XEmacs does also, I have no complaints.

Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
"They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

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