If you chose an ASN.1 or equivalent data format you could edit it with the
tools from openssl..   I hate windows registry because the tool they made
to edit/correct it was an afterthought. Just because Doze screwed it up
doesn't mean that the system is inherently flawed.


Michael Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07-09-2000 10:06:18 AM

To:   debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject:  Re: Debian vs. Red Hat

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Chris Gray wrote:

> Right.  I understand that dpkg is a much easier tool to use.  It is also
> a lot slower.  It would be nice to write it with a binary database.
> Maybe when I have extra time.

     Are you sure you want to use a binary database? One of my biggest
complaints about the windows world beyond the low reliability is the fact
that damn-near everything is binary, so you need some custom reader just
to read the thing (read: registry). I love the way that the Unix world
revolves around text files, and I wouldn't want to see that change.


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