Okay, it looks like things work now. I had a two-fold problem. I'll need to know where to put things so this is all done automatically when I boot, however.
The first part is that the modules weren't loading. Jason's suggestion fixed that. If I list them in /etc/modules, will they get loaded automatically? Or, do I need to put the following line somewhere? > for i in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ipv4/ip_masq_*; do insmod $i;done The second part is that I needed to increase the timeout values for ipchains. Where should I put the following line, so it is executed automatically? /sbin/ipchains -M -S 7200 10 160 I've put another ipchains statement within the /etc/init.d/networking file, but is there a better place to put it with the potato network setup? Thanks for the help, John >On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 03:37:30AM -0500, John Reinke wrote >So, just to check... if you go ># lsmod > >does it list ip_masq_ftp? > >John P. Here's the output: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /sbin/lsmod Module Size Used by ip_masq_vdolive 1368 0 (unused) ip_masq_user 2516 0 (unused) ip_masq_raudio 2936 0 (unused) ip_masq_quake 1332 0 (unused) ip_masq_irc 1560 0 (unused) ip_masq_ftp 2456 0 ip_masq_cuseeme 1144 0 (unused)