The modules should be compiled automatically if you have elected to do Masqing
in the kernel config.
Just do an insmod and you should be okay:
for i in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ipv4/ip_masq_*; do insmod $i;done
--On Monday, August 14, 2000 21:34 -0500 John Reinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've got IP Masq compiled into the kernel, but I don't remember a selection
for that in the kernel config. What was that?
Also, I've tried both passive and non-passive in the clients (both mac and
At 19:28 2000/08/14 -0500, you wrote:
I am not able to ftp from my private network, through IP Masqerading. I
now have Debian 2.2, and I had Debian 2.1 before. As far as I can tell, I
have set up IP Masq the same way as I did before.
You need the ip_masq_ftp.o module installed, OR you need to set your FTP
client up to PASV mode.
I've got the same issue, I just haven't gotten the module yet. PASV works
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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