try 'apt-get install xmmsarts'
Never used it myself, though.


Willem-Jan Meijer wrote:
kdemultimedia packages weren't installed yet, I thougt this was a standard package, Set aRts soundserver, sound runs well now and indeed, XMMS crashses :( That's a pity, it looks better than noatun.

Is there a way to use XMMS and sound in KDE?



Op zaterdag 1 februari 2003 11:54, schreef Duncan Baynes:

On Sat, 1 Feb 2003 09:32 pm, Willem-Jan Meijer wrote:

Hello all,

Troubles with sound this time.
I did a new installation with debian. I installed the x-server without a
gui, added the line deb stable main
to my sources.list

I run 	apt-get update,
       apt-get install kdm

KDE 3.1 was installed with all packages needed, KDE runs well but I don't
hear sounds by maximizing, minimizing, and so on. When I run Noatun the
same problem. When I start XMMS, sound works well.

How do I get sound to KDE ?

My soundcard uses the cmpci driver.

Kind regards,

Willem-Jan Meijer
Check that you have the "Start aRts soundserver on KDE startup" box ticked
in the Control Center > Sound & Multimedia > Sound System dialog.

NOTE:   You will probably find that you cannot use XMMS after you enable


Duncan Baynes

Johan Ehnberg
"Windows? No... I don't think so."

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