On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 02:45:24PM +0530, Amit Shah wrote:
> I can play sound as root using mp3blaster on the console, but can't use
> mpg123 or mp3blaster as a normal user, where do I edit the permissions so
> that normal users can play sound?

Don't mess with the permissions.  Add users who you want to be able to
play sounds to the audio group.  I think it's adduser user group,
though wait until someone else checks in on this before doing it.

> I use KDE. While starting, it says, couldn't load sound service.... I think
> this again could be the permissions problem. Is there any other thing I need
> to do to get this working?

Don't use desktop environments.  Gnome, KDE, whatever, they all suck.
All you need is a window manager.  8:o)


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