On Sat, Jun 24, 2000 at 08:25:01AM -0700, chunjiang fu wrote:
> from the linuxmall. But I got a problem when I
> installed it on my intel-486DX66(HD:2.1G, Mem: 21M).
> At the begaining: it could not be booted from the CD.

A 486 BIOS probably won't support booting from CD.

> I made a flopy disk, it worked well untill to the step
> "installing the kernal and modulas". I intended to
> install it from the CD. I selected the CD-ROM and
> ...hdc.... it told me that the cd-rom was not mounted
> successfully. I tried to made a option at the begining
> of boot: linux hdc=cdrom. It did not work. The start
> checking list showed: hdc not response (....xffs=0),
> cdrom (?). next step was the same problem. 
> My CD-ROM model: sony CDU33A double speed.

The CDU33A does not use an ATAPI interface or drivers. You will only
see that on 4x or newer drives. It is supported by the cdu31a driver
(I used a cdu31 for years until it wore out) but the driver does not 
do any automatic probing because that was causing problems with other
hardware. Because of this, you must give an option to the kernel at boot
time to tell it about it. it should look something like:

linux cdu31a=0x320,5 for a sony interface on IRQ 5 and IO address 0x320, or
linux cdu31a=0x1f88,0,PAS for a PAS soundcard, no interrupt, and IO 0x1f88 

If it works out, you will see a message that it has been detected during
the boot sequence, and you can mount it using the device /dev/sonycd. 


your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

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