Dear debain/linux team: I am a new user of linux. I just bought the CD set from the linuxmall. But I got a problem when I installed it on my intel-486DX66(HD:2.1G, Mem: 21M). At the begaining: it could not be booted from the CD. I made a flopy disk, it worked well untill to the step "installing the kernal and modulas". I intended to install it from the CD. I selected the CD-ROM and ...hdc.... it told me that the cd-rom was not mounted successfully. I tried to made a option at the begining of boot: linux hdc=cdrom. It did not work. The start checking list showed: hdc not response (....xffs=0), cdrom (?). next step was the same problem. Luckly, after I boot from MSDOS, I could reach the CD and boot from it (/install/boot.bat), it was OK untill the same step as mentioned above. So, I could not install it successfully. Please give me a answer asap. It made me a little despair. By the way, in the instruction, you mentioned disable the shadow RAM, but, when my PC boot, it always showed: OK RAM shadow although I disabled the selection in bios: veido ROM Shadow c0000?: disable. I am not sure if the install problem came from it. Also give me a answer how to disable it. I serched the FAQ, could not find answer. My CD-ROM model: sony CDU33A double speed.
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