(snipped from the XFree86 4.0 Install file)
The next step is to configure the X server.  That is covered in detail
in an
as-yet unwritten document :-(.  In the meantime, there are two ways to
a basic X server configuration file for XFree86 4.0.  One is to run the
xf86config utility.  Another is to use the new -configure X server
     XFree86 -configure           
(End of snip)

Thats where he would have got that command from.


Colin Watson wrote:
> G0DModE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >After unpacking the XFree 4.0 soft, I wanted to configure it, so I run
> >"XFree86 -configure" command and the output was: "Segmentation fault". I
> >tried to install over and over again, but always output was the same.
> Where did you get that command from? :)
> The XFree86 executable in 4.0 doesn't have a -configure option. Try
> editing /etc/X11/XF86Config (its location may depend on how you
> installed XFree86). Or, if you're trying to build from source, read
> All the details should be in the very comprehensive documentation.
> --
> Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On The Other hand, you have fingers :)

*Peter Good                    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Pete's Internet Services      Sales: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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