Matt wrote:
> Mike:
> I am wondering, how much ram is in your LJIII?  I think maybe I am hitting
> the top of my printer's physical memory.

That could well be.  When I first got my LJIII I had that problem a number
of times.  However, I got an overflow error message on the front panel.  I
think it was error code 20.  But my Dad happened upon a 4 meg memory module
somewhere.  If you need more memory, check:

They've got the memory modules for the LJII.  One meg for $19 and 4 megs
for $62  Remember, you can only install *one* memory cartridge.

> I don't know how much it has, I just picked it up in an HP refurb shop
> for $65.

Most likely it has only the base amount, which is 512k.  To check, print a
test page.  To do that:

1) Turn the printer on and let it warm up.
2) Take the printer off line (press the ONLINE key until the on-line
   indicator goes out.
3) Press and hold the TEST key (third from the left on the bottom row) until
   the display shows 05 SELF TEST (should take about two seconds).
4) As soon as the display show the self-test message, release the TEST key.
   If you don't, the printer will continuously print test pages.

On the test page, the (I think) fourth line will show how much memory the
printer thinks it has.

> Do you know if there is anyway to make the lpd spool the data in such a
> way that it won't send more than my printer can fit into ram at  one
> time?  (I thought that's what the filter was for, but obviously not....)
> The printer works liek a champ is <gasp> Windows </gasp>, but gosh darnit,
> I'd like to print my stuff out in linux...

I don't blame you.  Unfortunately the only thing I could find with the LJIII
here was to install more memory.  As far as I know, all the filter does is
some translation from whatever you are trying to print into whatever language
the printer speaks.

> Thanks for your help.

You're quite welcome.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD           |  "Where do you want to go today?"
                              |  "As far from Redmond as possible!"
'91 GS500E                    |
Morgantown WV                 |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

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