On 21-May-2000 w trillich wrote:
> Martin Bialasinski wrote:
>> * "w" == w trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> BTW: ESC + 0 ^= F10
>> w> hi, newbie mode here, how do you learn of those keystroke
>> w> equivalences?
>> Hmm, somebody told me long time ago :-)
>> Maybe it is a VT100 thing or such.
> none of the vt100's i got my feet wet on had any such
> keystrokes...
> my keymap on my telnet client is all screwy. keypad clear,=,/,*
> act as f1,f2,f3,f4, among other oddness... i'd be able to get
> a lot farther if i knew the cheat codes like esc-9 for f9...
> like alt-f2 to get to console 2. where's that documented?
> (not 'mentioned' but 'documented'. big difference.) anyone?

The ESC+number=function key mapping is documented in the mc faq:
   If all else fails you can emulate function keys by first pressing the        
   ESC key and then one of the number keys. For example, if you want to         
   produce F9, press ESC, then 9. If you don't have a ESC key on your           
   keyboard you can try alt-9 or meta-9.    
Mappings are done in the terminfo databases. You can disassemble them
with infocmp. For explanation of the terminal capabilities, see the
terminfo(5) man page. You can modifiy the disassembled one to suit your
needs,and recompile it using tic.

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