> Le sam, 20 mai 2000, Alain Reinhardt a écrit :
> I always also suggest to try 'mc' (assuming MidNight Commander is installed)
> because it is always a good feeling for a new user to go as far as a file
> manager of some sort -in this case a very good one.  Nothing means more when
> you begin than knowing you have something like a copy, edit, delete control
> over the beast. ! And If you go that far, please use the 'see' command of MC 
> to
> look at files in /etc.  You will immediatly feel you have just successfully
> made a first step in the new world of freedom. Good luck  !    

Mais oui, monsieur, d'accord! I second this - i'ld say so:
I always suggest to have 'mc' (MidNight Commander) installed, because
it is always a good feeling!
I wouldn't want to live without it. People always get crazy, when
they're having trouble with their X-Windows-98 and the first thing that
i do is to pull the nc or mc disk out of my pocket ...

Happy computing! martin

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