Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> Monday, May 01, 2000, 11:59:24 AM, Richard wrote:
> >  Emacs is far more useful than that... It's still the best
> >  mailer/newsreader/text based office program in existence.

>     That is highly debated, esp. for people who prefer not to have 

 I've had several debates featuring this very subject.
 Some very long and drawn out and heated.

> bloated pigs in memory, don't want to learn a speech impediment on top 
> other languages and actually prefer to have separate, specific 
programs for
> their individual tasks.  Simply stated, anything which requires Emacs 
to run
> is instantly lower than something that requires Windows to run because 
> least it /IS/ an OS and not an editor that is a wannabe script 
interpreter and
> OS rolled into one.

 This one... several times. It's no longer interesting.

 {and never really was all that valid.}

 If you don't like emacs... don't run it. If you don't
 want to add anything to the thread... I'm sure you've
 got a killfile somewhere nearby.

> >  My other computer's running Debian. {}

>     And this one is running, what?  Amiga?

 Windows... DV {for a while yet}
 My other computer's running Debian. {}

 {3d, animation, sound, stills, text, fiddling with X,
 learning scheme, emacs, tcl/TK, etc, etc...}

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