Windows is a lot easier then Linux, however I think Linux is a lot better,
specially when using it as a server.
You'll need more time to get it running, but as soon as you got it running
(properly) it'll cause much less problems!


On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Vicente Torres wrote:

> We have bought a PC (AMD K7 Athlon
> with Hewlett-Packard CD recorder) to act as a server
> allowing people to copy their data on this server and
> record their CDs.
> We also want to attach our fax to this server
> and "use it as a printer" from other PCs in the net.
> Should I,
> Instal Windows 9x (easy to install and the software for
> the HP recorder will probably work under Windows)
> or
> Install Debian with
> samba, mgetty-fax and cdrecord.
> (I have never configured none of this
> applications.)
> ?
> If I install Debian everything should work fine,
> otherwise my colleagues will "ask" me to install
> Windows.
> -- 
> ########################################  .'/,-Y"     "~-.
> Vicente Torres Carot                      l.Y             ^.
> Universidad Politécnica de Valencia       /\               __  "Doh!"
> Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica   i            ___/"   "\
> Ctra. Nazaret-Oliva, s/n                 |          /"   "\   o !
> 46730 Grau de Gandia (Valencia)          l         ]     o !__./
> SPAIN                                     \ _  _    \.___./    "~\
>                                            X \/ \            ___./
> Tel.: (96)2849300                         ( \ ___.   _..--~~"   ~`-.
> FAX:  (96)2849309                             ` Z,--   /            \
>                                              __.  (   /       ______)
> "I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's      \   l  /-----~~" /
> just the way I am." -- Homer Simpson --         Y   \          /
> ##############################################     | "x______.^
> --
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> --
> -- 
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